LDV (Laser Doppler Velocimetry) Applications

Investigation of LDV signal evaluation methods by offline data analysis to reduce the measurement uncertainty, Fachtagung “Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik”
5.–7. September 2023, München
Authors: S. Gläsener, J. Steinbock, M. Dues, S. Oertel1 and J. Hornig
Pulverized coal swirl flames in oxy-fuel conditions:Effects of oxidizer O2 concentration on flow field and local gas composition, http://www.sciencedirect.com/ July 20, 2018
Authors: D. Zabrodiec, J.Hees, G. Möller, O. Hatzfeld, R. Kneer
Detailed Analysis of the Velocity Fields from 60kW Swirl-Stabilized Coal Flames in CO 2 /O 2 – and N 2 /O 2 -Atmospheres by Means of Laser Doppler Velocimetry and Particle Image Velocimetry, ISSN: 0010-2202 (Print) 1563-521X (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/gcst20
Authors: D. Zabrodiec , L. Becker, J. Hees, A. Maßmeyer, M. Habermehl, O. Hatzfeld, A.
Dreizler & R. Kneer

Research Projects